When approached, they will be scared and try to escape. Passive humans include swimmers, fishermen, paragliders, diver photograph, and Shark Man. They are harmless humans can be found most on land. They can be found flying in the air or perched on the ocean's surface. They are aerial creatures which are required for missions and can also replenish a fair amount of health. Turtles can be helpful when swimming against currents. They are small reptiles that regenerate your boost when eaten. They are quite helpful in restoring your shark's health. They appear in medium sized groups, jumping into the air in an attempt to escape when they spot your shark. They are one of the most reliable sources of food for any shark, as they restore a vast amount of health. They are fish that are found in various parts of the map, and normally very deep down. The size of each tuna fish is not the same, some are almost Tropical Fish-sized, while others are even bigger than a Reef Shark, but they all restore the same amount of health. They are useful sources of food, and can be eaten by every shark. They are rather fast and occasionally eat fish. They're long, fanged fish that tend to appear throughout the map.

However, Tropical Fish only follow fish of the same color.

Tropical Fish can appear in groups containing only one variety, or in mixed groups. They are small, striking fish that come in various colors. Sardines spawn in medium to large schools. They are tiny fish that can be found almost everywhere across the map. Hungry Shark Evolution Prey Passive Prey Name